
Here you can find our telephone numbers and contacts. We recommend that you always book your table. 

Where we are


Booking by Whatsapp


Opening time

Mon - Fry 12:00 - 14:00 19:30 - 22:30

Sabato 19:30 22:30

Domenica chiuso. CHIUSURA Pasquale 2025: da sabato 19 a martedì 22 Aprile.

Parking is free

You can park for free both in via San Pierino and in the parking spaces available a few meters from the local 

Business events

Organize lunch or corporate dinner, we will agree together the menu and drinks

Pets admitted

You can bring your pet, we only ask you to notify us when booking the table.

Reserve your table

To make sure you find a seat, book your table in advance.  

Manda un messaggio whatsapp al 3317488576 oppure chiama il 051713302

Apri la chat
Ti aspettiamo Alla Scuderia, scrivici per prenotare il tuo tavolo